Welcome to Soulful Mummas
Empowerment - Connection - Authentic Expression
Welcome to Soulful Mummas.
My name is Rebekah Jensen, and I am a Singer, Doula, Vocal Coach and Soulful Mumma.
I’m passionate about finding creative ways to move forward as a community and believe that it starts with a soulful connection.
We all need it, and we all want it. We want to find and enhance our innate love, peace, and purpose.
It’s my belief that we can find these precious qualities in ourselves in times of change and growth surrounded by the people we can trust and who trust us.
My mission is to bring my secret sauce of love, care, and creativity into the space of pregnancy, birthing and parenting so that you, as new parents can feel nurtured, in control, happy, well rested and looked after within your own community. I want you to feel comfortable in your new role and in your body as your huge transition in life takes place - because you deserve it!
It is my belief that pregnancy, childbirth and the "4th Trimester" gives a person and their family the opportunity to have a creative, intuitive and empowering experience in life.
My goal here is to support women, birthing people and their partners in their decisions to becoming the greatest parents they can be.
Soulful Mummas is a gathering place for ALL people.
Connection is what we crave most, and I am all about creating a space to help you feel nurtured, safe, loved and able to fulfil your desires to go within, connect to your soulful self, your baby's soulful self, with other soulful mummas and to come out of the birthing experience EMPOWERED.
I use relaxation techniques with visualisation and meditation, massage, Rebozo techniques, changing positions, essential oils, Bach flower remedies, food, drink, laughter, positive affirmations, breathing and of course singing.
Post-partum care for families.
In my post-partum work, my role is to support new families with adjustments to breastfeeding/bottle feeding, sleeping patterns and parenthood. My focus is Food, Clothing and Shelter for parents and bub helping the transition in the home to be easier with a bit of love, compassion, care and empathy.
Thank you so much for stopping by to learn more about Soulful Mummas services.
“When you change the way you view birth, the way you birth will change.”
— Marie Mongan
Why I doula.
I believe in basic human rights and the power attained by knowledge. I truly believe that every human being deserves to feel supported, nurtured and cared for during the biggest transitions of their life including your little one. Midwives across the country are working tirelessly to keep up with the pressure that is placed upon them. Doulas play an integral role in assisting to fill that gap. I deeply enjoy preparing people for birth and assisting in their journey to parenthood. I have a natural ability to listen and observe the room and assist people when it is needed. I thoroughly enjoy being in service in the birthing/parental space and gain confidence as I grow and learn from all my clients.